COVID Testing and Vaccinations

In order to go to Set you MUST be covid tested 24-72 hours before your work date.

They are facilitated and paid for by Production. You will be paid 2hrs for each covid test you attend outside of the work day.

Vaccination requirements are currently different depending on the production. Some ask for none; some require full vaccination and booster. We will always let you know via email, what each booking will entail.

If you are NOT vaccinated or prefer not to disclose this information, that is OK! Not all productions require vaccinations.


Health & Safety Certificate

A certificate from the Online Safety Course through the Ministry of Labour is required to work in Ontario. It is mandatory by law, not optional. All Productions will require a copy of this certificate from every employee, including Background Performers.

Please keep a copy of this important certificate on your phone and be ready to email it every time you work on a new production/season.

Show Catcher Talent will not be responsible for emailing this paperwork. It is your responsibility.

If you cannot do the online training due to technical reasons, please let us know.


Residency Form & Residency Proof

Be advised that productions are diligent about getting completed Residency Forms & Proof before releasing cheques to Performers. The Residency Form is distributed on set or via email. Residency Proof is provided by you and includes items such as a tax assessment from the year 2021 and a bank statement or utility bill from December 2021. Your driver’s license, health card or S.I.N card are not sufficient.

This is what the Residency Form may look like: (see both pictures)


Other Requirements

Other potential requirements will be given to you by email, at the time of your booking or during your work day.


Further questions?

Don’t forget to visit our FAQ page for answers to your questions!